Who Is Dom?

dominique mickens a blogger a fashion lover a woman

A New York native.

A millennial.

A scholar.

A woman.

Dominique Mickens is a person with a passion for building genuine relationships and connections with others, as well as having a knack for learning about new ideas and a multitude of skills. After finishing her undergraduate studies in Dayton, Ohio, Dominique relocated back to the big apple in order to pursue her dreams of becoming an ambassador for the world of fashion as well as music. After rebuilding urban clothing brand The Vil and developing a name & path for music artists Trip N Slim of Squareoff, she is finally taking a leap into the world of fashion by way of her digital realm, Signeddom.com.

Signeddom.com is a journey through her eyes – a creative journey that focuses on aspects of fashion, travel, lifestyle and entertainment. Join her on this journey.