Prince: Gone Too Soon.

On Thursday, April 21, 2016, we celebrate the life of a music icon.

Prince, a man who defied genre and defined the sound of the 80’s, received his wings due to illness, leaving the world stunned and speechless.

Prince was a man who pushed the boundaries of rhythm and sound by artistically meshing funk, rock, pop and R&B. This defied the “genre” specific role musical ears were used to. Not only did he shake up the industry but he dominated it. Prince was a prolific songwriter and incredible musician that could bring you to tears with his electrifying performances.  He sang with passion and emotion that made you feel as if he had touched your soul.

He was such an amazing soul, who will forever live on in our hearts and memories of those who’s influence in music will transcend the generations of today and tomorrow.

I am going to leave you all off with one of my favorite performances from the icon.



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